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Autumn admission continues until September 30! Nothing is missed! Admission continues until September 30! From today, August 8, Riga Management College starts admission to the short-cycle study programme “Tourism service organisation”. The short-cycle study programme “Tourism service organisation” is the

New short-cycle higher education study programme “Tourism Service Organisation” Choosing the short-cycle higher education study programme “Tourism Organisation” at Riga Management College you will choose an exciting career in one of the world’s most dynamic industries. The college offers a

Networking to promote inclusion and diversity in the VET sector of the Erasmus+ Programme
The representative of Riga Management College participated in the Erasmus+ international training and cooperation activity (TCA), which took place on 24 – 26.06.2024, in Rome, Italy. The seminar brought together representatives of the vocational education (VET) sector, newcomers to the

Have an unforgettable Ligo – the longest day and shortest night of the year!
Kad visas mošķības kaktā lien,Un svētā saule dvēselē brien,Tad cilvēku prāti kā svecītes trīc,Ir sācies brīnumskaists saulgriežu rīts.

Managing Diversity and Promoting Inclusive Environment in Higher Education
The programme objectives of the seminar aim to equip participants with a comprehensive understanding of diversity and inclusion in higher education. This includes learning the basic concepts and dimensions of diversity, as well as developing competence in handling diversity. Participants

Congratulations on the Day of the Restoration of Independence of the Republic of Latvia and the White Tablecloth Festival!
Dzimtais pavards pie debesīm kuras.Lai pārnāktu mājās,mēs neveram durvis, bet grāmatu vākusun brīvojam telpu sevī,kur dzimtenei būt. No gliemeža mācīties nevaram,jo mājas nav patvērums mums,bet mēs būsim patvērums mājām. M. Zālīte

Project on Smart Tourism in Valencia Offers Potential Enhancements to College Curriculum
Riga Management College representative participates in the project in Valencia, Spain “Tourism Digitalization and Smart Tourism Destination: Transition Pathway for Tourism”, as a part of FORTHEM Alliance mobility (University of Latvia). The programme introduced participants to the smart tourism destination

Happy, Sunny and Blessed Easter!
Gaiši nāca, drīz atnāca.Tā bagātā Lieldieniņa.Trīs dieniņas, trīs naksniņasIet pār lauku kūpēdama. Latvian folk song

Autumn Graduation 2023
On November 1st of this year, the diploma ceremony of the Riga Management College was held, where the graduates celebrated their 1st level (short cycle) professional higher education in the Business administration program, obtaining the qualification of commercial specialist. We