Student Parliament

The Student Parliament is an independent decision-making body representing the rights and interests of students at Riga Management College. Student Parliament’s main goal is to represent the students at the College and defend their rights and interests, as well as to promote the development of the study process and research in the College.


Tasks of the Student Parliament

  1. To discuss and decide on issues related to the study and cultural life of College students;
  2. Apply to institutions and officials with requests, proposals and demands on behalf of students of the College;
  3. To ensure that students’ opinions are respected in solving issues related to the College, including the election of student representatives in the College council, committees and work groups;
  4. To ensure the representation of the interests of students in the College in state institutions and non-governmental organizations;
  5. Determine the student election procedure in the College Council;
  6. Apply to the College director, board or council with a request to cancel the decisions of the College’s governing bodies if they do not meet the interests of students at the College;
  7. Propose to adopt, amend and cancel the internal regulations of the College;
  8. Request and receive information and explanations from the authorized representatives of any structural unit of the College on all issues affecting the interests of students;
  9. Promote the quality of studies and academic traditions, democracy, student self-confidence and personality development, healthy lifestyle, civic integration of youth and participation in society.

Parliament Organisation

The representatives of the Student Parliament of the College are the students at the College. There are no less than five students in the Student Parliament. Every student has the right to nominate his/her candidacy for participation in the Student Parliament, motivating in writing the desire to participate in the Student Parliament. Student Parliament’s composition is renewed at the beginning of each academic year, no later than one month after the academic year begins.

You can find out more about Student Parliament regulations here.

Among its members, the self-government elects:

  • Chairman of the Student Parliament
  • Deputy Chairman