Conferences and Seminars

Managing Diversity and Promoting Inclusive Environment in Higher Education

Professional development programme for the academic staff of higher education institutions

Programme objectives:

  • Learn the basic concepts of diversity and inclusion, the dimensions of diversity and become aware of your diversity competence.
  • Identify the importance and benefits of diversity management in higher education, as well as the elements of an inclusive study and work environment.

Topic: Managing diversity and fostering an inclusive environment in higher education

  • Basic concepts of diversity and inclusion, dimensions of diversity
  • Elements of inclusive communication and study/work environment
  • Diversity management as a strategic practice in a higher education institution
  • The benefits of diversity management and the first steps in its implementation

Time: May 21, 2024, at 14.00 – 17.00
Platform: Online – MS Teams.

The login link will be sent to registered participants 1 day before the event.

Organiser: Riga Management College
Lecturer: Vita Stiģe-Škuškovnika, PhD cand. (BA Turība), –

Participants will be issued a certificate for listening to the topic in accordance with Cabinet of Ministers regulations no. 569 “Regulations on education and professional qualifications necessary for pedagogues and procedures for improving the professional competence of pedagogues”.

For members of the Association of Colleges of Latvia, participation is free. 

For other participants – 50 EUR.

IRCEP 2023

"Entrepreneurship and Business Management - Challenges. Perspectives. Solutions."

On May 17th, 2023, the first International Conference on Entrepreneurial Processes (IRCEP) was held. Academics, industry experts and students of Riga Management College had an opportunity to share their research findings and opinions on important business and economic matters. All the IRCEP 2023 attendees were invited to join the discussion of the occurring challenges, perspectives and possible solutions

The conference covered trending topics in entrepreneurial and business management processes, such as:

  • Digital transformation and its impact on business processes and business models;
  • Business strategies and development;
  • Management of work organization and motivation of employees;
  • The role of leadership and leadership in business and business management processes;
  • Sustainable development;

Learn about other topics covered at the conference with our digital collection of research articles:

LBTU International Scientific Conference

"Students on their Way to Science"

on April 22nd, 2022, the students of Riga Management College had a chance to participate in the 17th International Scientific Conference “Students on Their Way to Science”, organized by the Latvia University of Life Sciences and Technologies.

The 4th-semester students Pamela Monyuy Ngoran, Abdul Hai Syed, Silva Godakanda Arachchige Hashan Madumadawa and Abeykoon Mudiyanselage Anjalee Jayaprada presented their work in the field of social sciences. They will use these studies as a basis for the creation of qualification works, defending them very soon to complete Business management studies. After that, they will granted a diploma for the 1st level of higher education.

The topics covered by student research included:

  • Pamela Monyuy Ngoran: “High-performance work systems in the hospitality industry”
  • Abdul Hai Syed: “Social Media Marketing Tools for Tourism Promotion in Jammu and Kashmir, India”
  • Abeykoon Mudiyanselage Anjalee Jayaprada: “Sustainable Supply Chain Management to Increase the Production Efficiency in Sri Lankan Tea Industry”
  • Silva Godakanda Arachchige Hashan Madumadawa: “Employee Creativity in Tourism and Hospitality in the 21st Century”

Opportunities for Continuation of Studies in Switzerland

Online webinar by Business and Hotel Management School (B.H.M.S.)

Business and Hotel Management School (B.H.M.S.) representative provides information on the opportunities to continue studies from the 3rd year bachelor’s programme for Riga Management College graduates. B.H.M.S. is based in Lucerne and is part of the Benedict Switzerland group of schools. The school provides a range of undergraduate, graduate, and postgraduate programs focusing primarily on hospitality management, global business management, culinary arts, and related fields. These programs are designed to equip students with the necessary skills and knowledge to excel in competitive global markets. 

European Union Funds Project Management

Online webinar

Organized by Riga Management College, the webinar discussed the following themes:

  • General overview of the European Union funds and projects
  • Current affairs and events of the European Union funds
  • Sufficient implementation of the European Union funds

Time: April 25, 2023, at 18.00–20.00
Event language: Latvian
Platform: Zoom
Host: MSc.proj.mgmt. Anete Mandeika

Participation in the webinar is free for college students, academic staff and members of the Association of Latvian Colleges. However, the number of participants is limited.

Benefits of Obtaining a Fully Remote Higher Education

Online webinar

In this webinar, our College discussed discussed and clarified important questions:

  • Who is eligible for distance learning college studies?
  • How studies help in overcoming obstacles in life?
  • Does higher education help to get a better-paid job?
  • How people’s self-confidence and their possibilities changes?
  • How to develop Christian thinking and make better decisions:
  • How to combine studies in our College with full-time work, family or sports?
  • How 100% remote learning is being organized?
  • What are the costs of distance learning?

Time: January 1, 2023
Platform: Zoom

Conflicts in the Audience and Their Management Mechanisms

Professional development programme for the academic staff of higher education institutions

Programme objectives:

  • To learn the methods of managing stress and conflict situations when working with a multinational audience, the peculiarities of intercultural communication in the educational environment.
  • Identify, manage and effectively apply the psychological aspects of the assessment of study results, emphasizing the nature of education as a social process.

Covered topics:

  • Concept of conflict, types of conflict, phases of conflict;
  • Deutsch’s methodology in the sense of conflict analysis;
  • Thomas and Kilman conflict strategies;
  • Conflict folders: practical workshop and conflict analysis opportunities;

Time: May 31, 2023
Platform: Microsoft Teams
Organizers: Riga Management College, 
Lecturer: Julija Žakemo, (RISEBA), MBA (University of Salford), M.Phil. (University of Cambridge)